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Those who love neutral tones and simplicity will not be able to ignore the Wabi Sabi design style for their beloved home. It’s true to the criterion of retaining what is the lightest and most natural, color is not a factor to be encouraged in Wabi Sabi’s designs. In the Wabi Sabi-style design spaces, colors do not have the opportunity to show brilliant, on the contrary, they are completely deep. Because true colors from nature lack the contrast or unity needed to complement each other to make a standout. However, because of the loss of sophistication, colors with natural brightness bring a peaceful sense in mind. The simplicity comes from natural materials. The simplicity comes from the creative way which is not fussy, or stylish. The unique simplicity of Wabi Sabi is not boring but very delicate, because at the very end of its simplicity is the beauty of truth. Below is a typical apartment design of Wabi Sabi style that will give you inspiration to design your home. Please have a look!

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Posting: Lucy Nguyen
Source: Archdaily
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